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Government Of Assam Elementary Education State Council of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

Activities of Research and Evaluation


Activities under the Department of Research and Evaluation during 2019-20

National Seminar on Pupil Evaluation on January 29-30,  2019 in Guwahati.

Twenty five research papers were received by SCERT, Assam, out of which only Fifteen papers were shortlisted for presentation in the seminar in four technical sessions.

Published  Educational Research Journal,1st 2nd and 3rd Volume with ISSN 2454-4949 during last four years.  22 , 19 and 15 research papers were contributed by different educational practitioners. Process for publication of 4th  volume of Peer-Reviewed Educational Research Journal with ISSN 2454-4949 is going on.

Conducted on-line All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE), 2020 covering Govt. TEIs in the portal developed by MHRD, GOI. All the NCTE recognized Teacher Education Institutions have to upload Data Capture Format (DCF) III in the AISHE portal of MHRD, GOI.

Development of Institutional Mechanism for conducting a research study by teacher educators. Under this mechanism, attempt is being made to popularize research and action research among teacher educators of the state in a structured way and to assure the quality of research studies conducted by them.

Teachers Performance Appraisal: An Analytical study at Upper Primary Schools in Assam was conducted in 2020-21 in 23 districts of Assam covering 2,300 upper primary teachers with the following objectives

to assess their own performance based on their expected roles and responsibilities.

to identify the areas of strength and challenges in their teaching-learning process through reflective practices

to enhance the proficiency of teachers in organizing classroom teaching-learning activities and other school-related activities

to provide support and mentoring on the teaching-learning process 

To provide continuing growth through multiple experiences

Activities  conducted by the Department of Research and Evaluation during 2018-19

Conducting research in the field of school and teacher education is one of the major activities of SCERT, Assam. Different kinds of researches have been undertaken by SCERT, Assam for improvement of quality in school and teacher education of the State. The findings of the researches have been appraised to the Government for assisting in framing policy for improvement of the educational scenario of the State. Some of the major research related activities conducted recently by SCERT, Assam are as below.

Published  Educational Research Journal 3rd Volume with ISSN 2454-4949 in October, 2018.  15 research papers were contributed by different educational practitioners. Process for publication of 4th  volume is going on.

Initiative for building capacity of teacher educators and teachers in conducting educational research especially action research.

Published Guide Book on Research Methodology with a focus on Action Research ( October, 2018)

Conducted orientation programme on action research for teacher educators of Assam.

National Seminar on Pupil Evaluation on January 29-30,  2019 in Guwahati.

Twenty five research papers were received by SCERT, Assam, out of which only     Fifteen papers were shortlisted for presentation in the seminar in four technical sessions.

Training on Research Methodology with special reference to Action Research for teacher educators of Normal Schools and BTCs on December 18-20, 2018 at SCERT HQ.

On line All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) covering Govt. TEIs in the portal developed by MHRD, GOI. All the NCTE recognized Teacher Education Institutions have accomplished the task of uploading Data Capture Format (DCF) III in the AISHE portal of MHRD, GOI for the year 2018-19.

Development of Institutional Mechanism for conducting a research study by teacher educators. Under this mechanism, an attempt is being made to popularize research and action research among teacher educators of the state in a structured way and to assure the quality of research studies conducted by them.

Radio Talk on Action Research broadcasted by All India Radio, Guwahati

Faculty members were involved in the implementation of Gunotsav in respect of the development of tools, as Master Trainer and External Evaluator.

Members of the department were involved in the process of development of OERs in collaboration with SSA, Assam

4 research papers developed by faculty members of SCERT, Assam during 2018-2019 and published in research journals.